Travels with Uwe (Book)
Travels with Uwe (Book)
*Same content as Simple Truths in Music and Life with a new title and cover - written by Don Brown this book is a collection of ninety four “simple truths” Don collected through his musical journey with an icon, friend, and mentor — Uwe Kruger. It is perfectly sized to fit in your instrument case. Even if you don’t play, this book is a delight to read and enjoy.
Copies of Simple Truths in Music and Life ordered from the Kruger Brothers Online store will be autographed by Uwe!
Whether you currently play a musical instrument, you used to play and would like to again, or you only dream of making music, "Simple Truths in Music and Life" is for you! The truths you'll discover inside are uncomplicated and succinct, yet profound in their impact. Born of my own musical path with Uwe Kruger - one of the finest musicians and teachers on the planet - they also carry important lessons for everyday life. Split into five unforgettable passages - PLAY, PRACTICE, CREATE, PERFORM and SING - and designed to fit an instrument case, make this a part of your musical journey.